Finding Your Purpose

In Japan it’s common to see ema (wooden plaques) hanging like ornaments near temples and shrines, in which Buddhist and Shinto worshippers write their wishes and desires for the kami (gods) to read and fulfill. If you had an ema in front of you right now, what would you wish for personally? What about professionally?

At times you might lose sight of your personal Polaris (or what we simply call, the North Star). That internal light that guides the path begins to dim, and all of a sudden it’s too dark to see ahead. If your light is dim, recall what used to energize and excite you. Now, similar to an ema, write down your wish, goal or desire on a colorful post-it note or postcard. Hang it some place you can see it daily.

If you’ve lost complete sight of your North Star, keep a journal for a month and log all of your personal and professional activities, responsibilities and interests. Take note of your mood and make notes where applicable. At the end of 30 days, review your log. You’ll start to see patterns in your mood.

Maybe that evening run gave you a restful night’s sleep and boosted your creativity the following morning. Perhaps that virtual cooking class you enrolled in has brought forth a joy you haven’t experienced in ages. Or, maybe there’s a responsibility at work that you love but only get to carry out infrequently. What insights does this new knowledge bring you? What wishes and desires have now bubbled to the surface?

Life is too short. Keep your Polaris light shining bright. Get clear on your wishes and desires - those desires are likely glimpses of the passion and purpose that burns within you. Then, like Shinto and Buddhist worshippers, make your intentions known.

Image: Hasedera Temple, Kamakura-Shi, Japan

Image: Hasedera Temple,

Kamakura-Shi, Japan


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